Creating a Cosplay

Creating a Cosplay

What is the difference between a Post and Cosplay?

The Cosplay content type was created for the purpose of showcasing your cosplays in a unique and ongoing way. This content type offers several features specifically created for this purpose.

It’s like a blog post

While creating a Cosplay you have the option to upload a Featured Image which will be showcased when your Cosplay shows up on someone’s feed (and on your profile page).

You also have a Name field, intended for the name of the character, and a Subtitle field, which is meant for context like a series or fandom name.

The content editor of the Cosplay gives you full Rich Text editing capabilities This means you can have fully formatted content mixed in with images to write out what is essentially a blog post for the cosplay. You can explain your build process, show progress shots, or anything else you see fit.

Ongoing updates

We all know that a cosplay is never truly finished. There’s always something that could be better as we continue to learn. Some cosplayers like to share their entire process, from concept to photoshoot.

Each Cosplay post allows you to add Updates at any time to share progress over the life of that cosplay. These can be use to show the process of building it, or simply sharing new photos from that con or photoshoot.

Easier filtering

If you want to browse or search for Cosplays only, tapping the Cosplay filter will allow you to do so. This makes it easier to weed out all other content when you’re only interested in Cosplays.

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